Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Honors Blog #1

Write the biography of an idea that you see in the class timeline on the board. In order to write this biography, give the idea a personality and character traits. Look for key events in the life of the idea throughout history. Use your biography as a model for structuring your writing (but yours certainly does not need to be as long!). Make sure that your biography of an idea is written like a story—the idea should meet other ideas, have conflicts, etc., just like a person or people in a biography.

Discrimination was a caterpillar that was born  in Africa in 1619 when he was brought to America on slave ships. Discrimination was forced to be a slave for the white birds and had to do whatever they said or there would be consistences. Birds and caterpillars were forbidden to be married until a magical flower changed everything in 1863 by ending slavery and also making interspecies marriage legal in 1967.  

After everything seemed to be fixed Discrimination went into his cocoon where he thought he would finally get some rest but instead Discrimination was reborn as a butterfly named Sexual Discrimination causing more problems for other homosexual butterflies.

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