Friday, December 3, 2010

Blog #19

1. What are you most proud of in your Life: The Book writing? Try to describe this is detail!
In my Life: The Book writing, I wrote about many different "mini topics" pertaining to my topic of Gene Therapy to treat immune system diseases. I believe that the best part of my writing was was the flow. I believe this because it is the part of writing I'm usually not very good at. The article was a challenge to do so because I had to make stories flow into ethic arguments and the arguments had to flow into the scientific aspects of the therapy such as the procedure. I think that after taking all the steps of revising my outline is what helped me to do so. 

2. What are some changes or new ideas that you have developed in your writing through the course of this semester?
Besides what I had said in the question above I believe a change or new idea I have developed in my writing is after receiving a critique I don't just go back an fix what they said needed to change, especially if they don't say much, instead I go back and make another critique for myself to improve my writing even further. This year is the first year I have actually tried to work really hard on my writing and I think that it has made a huge difference. I believe that taking these few extra steps of critique has helped me improve A LOT from last year and will only further continue to improve my writing in the future.

3. If you had a little more time to work on your writing for LifE: The Book, what would you do differently? What would you change about your writing?
When I look back at my writing next to other students I notice a couple things. I notice that my article is shorter than a lot of other peoples so I might want to go back and just try to add more detail to make the article longer. I know that doing that is sort of pointless hearing from multiple people that it was very clear and understandable I think I could paint a better picture in peoples mind with better language. Another main thing I'd change is to research more about the first gene therapy. I know that I did TONS of research and still found nothing but I feel as though I might have been able to find more on the little girl. The last thing I'd change is when I talked about the ethical issues it was very difficult to find people who actually said the things I talked about so I couldn't be very specific so I would go back and try to find those even though when doing research I couldn't find those things.

4. How has the additional element of publication in a book affected the way you approach writing?
The only thing that the publication has really changed about my approach on my writing would be the fact that it is very difficult to reword things that I research so I had to go back and change things that were to similar to the resources I took the information from. This was a problem because My job for publication was to make a timeline for the book and it set me back for a little bit but in all honesty it didn't take to long to fix the things I needed to so it wasn't very hard at all to get my article to the book editors and get to working on the timeline. My major concern with my problem of rewording my research is that I won't get good at it and I will be accused of copying someone else work, which isn't good obviously.

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