Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Blog #8

Talk to your family about World War Two. How was your family affected by the war? Please write in an open-ended manner about how WW2 impacted the lives of your parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and so on. Feel free to post pictures, include quotes, other relevant links, and more.

My grandmother, Helle Michaelsen, was only 4 or 5 years old during World War II. She lived in Copenhagen, Denmark with her Mother, Father and baby sister. Her and her parents where affected when German soldiers invaded looking for the Jews. My family isn't Jewish so they weren't taken or broken up or anything but her father was helping hide a Jewish family that lived near them.

Her father didn't tell his family anything about the Jewish family because he didn't want to worry them but when my great grandmother found out she was very angry and scared because they all could have gotten killed.

My grandma told me that one day when she was walking with her mother through a school yard they saw a German soldier and my grandma was full of hate for them. She walked past him and yelled "Du dum svin" (you stupid pig) My grandmother grabber her daughters wrist and apologized to the soldier because she was affraid he'd be angry and take my grandmother away form her or something. The soldier ignored them and just stayed standing there.

After the war the Jewish family my family was hiding thank them and went back to there regular life. My family  didn't have anything bad happen to them the whole war. They were one of the lucky families.

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