Thursday, April 28, 2011

Honors Blog #4


Write a letter to President Obama in which you address American foreign policy in the Middle East and North Africa, with the Marshall Plan as a basis for your ideas. Please quote from, cite, or otherwise reference at least three article from major publications or websites!

Dear President Obama,

I've noticed that what you are doing in Libya is very similar to the Marshall Plan of 1947-1951 where the goal of the United States was to rebuild Europe after the destruction from World War II.

"The breakdown of the business structure of Europe during the war was complete. Recovery has been seriously retarded by the fact that two years after the close of hostilities a peace settlement with Germany and Austria has not been agreed upon. But even given a more prompt solution of these difficult problems the rehabilitation of the economic structure of Europe quite evidently will require a much longer time and greater effort than had been foreseen." This quote from the Marshall Plan speech is closely related to your ideas of foreign policy when you said “Born, as we are, out of a revolution by those who longed to be free, we welcome the fact that history is on the move in the Middle East and North Africa, and that young people are leading the way. Because wherever people long to be free, they will find a friend in the United States.”  I believe that you are uses ideas from the Marshall plan to help support your actions to invade Libya because they both give reason for intervening in other countries (Like Marshall in Europe and You in Libya). 

I support the "Middle Ground" idea for foreign policy, it keeps you in a safe place on the spectrum of foreign policy. I like that you aren't too involved but you are still helping.

Thank you for your time and thank you for reading my letter and I hope it helps you in future decisions you make about foreign policy.

Shoshannah Michaelsen

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