Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blog #12

Idea #1 should be the type of environment in which you'd like to work.

Depending on what internship I get involved in will change what environment I want to work in. If I get an internship with design I'd like to be in the room where that takes place. If I get an internship with photography I w0uld like to be outside. And if I get an intership with a school I'd obviously want to be in the classroom.

Idea # 2 should be the type of skills you'd like to use at work.

I'd like to use my photography skills which are still devoloping. I would also like to  use the skills I have with working with kids. I have also tried designing clothes so I would use those as well.

Idea #3 should be the types of things you'd like to learn at internship.

I really want to learn about business and dependind on where I intern at I'd like to see how would be to have that as a carrer. I also really want to see the stress level of that job because I can't handle stress well and I want to start to get used to it.

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