Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog #10

The root cause of Michael Westerman's death was the fact that him and his killer, Freddie Morrow, were very ignorant and didn't know what the symbols actually meant. Michael flew the confederate, or rebel, flag from his truck not knowing the real meaning. He only knew that since he was white he was supposed to fly that flag because the symbol it had become bothered black people like Freddie who didn't really know why it upset him. He just knew it was supposed to. He knew that the symbol the flag had become was offensive to him. "Michael's personal reason for flying the confederate flag was to show the pride he felt in his ancestors who fought and died for the flag, as well as to show his southern heritage. " 

Another reason for his death is the fact that people can't admit the things they do or say are extremely racist and that is the reason they are doing or saying the things they are. Like the woman chapman who stood out to me the most in this story for being extremely racist and for contradicting herself. She says "Slavery was not all that bad... Blacks need to get over slavery." but later she goes on to say "don't put us where they used to be." so obviously she knows that is was bad enough that she wouldn't want to be in that situation.

In this article there is a section where the parents are at the meeting at the middle school complaining about the mascot of a rebel being removed and how they don't want to change it but black parents see that it is offensive to them and their children and they want a say as well but some feel like they aren't being heard "I asked why she hadn't made this sensible comment during the meeting. She looked at me as though I was crazy. 'Who's listening?' She asked." This goes against Amendment 15, Race No Bar to Vote, which is supposed to make sure every race get's to vote or has a voice.

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