Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blog #15

3. Describe how Americans pay for health care and the government's role in this process.

Health care can be expensive especially when you aren't rich and/or powerful. Many Americans struggle to pay for health care and sometimes need help. The ways Americans pay for health care are through 1 of a few ways. These ways are through work, where some jobs will pay for specific health care plans but sometimes won't cover people or their families completely so that leaves them to pay out of pocket. This can be hard for Americans especially when they don't make load of money.

 "In 2005, personal health care expenditures were paid by private health insurance 36%, federal government 35%, state and local governments 11% , and out-of-pocket payments 15%." Sourse
Govenment has a lot to do with health care for Americans as you can see in the quote above. This only states what government pays for health care but a lot of this money doesn't go to the poeple instead it goes to hospitals and research for diseases. Something the government does fund through heath care money is research on gene therapy, which is talked about in this article.
1. Using a specific example, describe what makes a compelling character in narrative nonfiction or literary journalism.
It is important to have characters who know what they are talking about or are immediately connected to the topic of issue discussed in the writing. It is also important to have characters who the reader can connect to somehow so that the reader feels like they relate to them or that they can understand where the character is coming from. You want the characters to add importance to the writing as well. The characters in Open Channels knew what they were talking about and they also had a character with the disease that was the main focus of the article.

2. Using a specific example, describe what makes an interesting plot in narrative nonfiction or literary journalism.
It is important to have a lot of detail in the plot so the reader understands the point of reading the piece of writing. Something else important to having an interesting plot is by stating the arguement and giving both sides so the reader can figure out their own opinions. Make sure to include a lot of detail so the reader fully understands the topic. In The Covenent the author talks about religion and sciece and a scientist who has founhd a ballance between the two. This gives the reader an understanding that these two worlds can co-exsist but it still leaves room for the reader to make their own opinions.
3. What specific steps do authors take to write non-jargon-based scientific writing?
The author has to try to use words that someone with a basic education can understand and if this isn't possible the author must give a definition of the "jargon" being used.  ALWAYS WRITE FOR THE READER! Just because the author understands doesn't mean the reader will too. In Open Channels the author gives explainations for all the jorgon-based words.

4. What specific steps do authors take to encourage their readers to connect with their stories?
It is important to have a loop in a piece of writing because you want to bring the reader back to the main idea of the writing. it is also important to use only important characters who know what they are talking about and have good quotes related to the topic or good characters who immediately relate to the topic. This is important because you want the characters to relate so the reader can too. You also want the characters to add importance to the writing. In Open Channels the author uses the loop to bring the reader back to the main idea. In Darwin's surprise and Open Channels the author made sure to uses characters who know what they are talking about. They uses scientists that focus on the topic and in Open Channels they use a character who has the disease discussed.

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