Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blog #14

Adult Life
Breast Cancer Treatment through Gene Therapy
The government agentcies that work in this area are the Scientist' institution, FDA, NIH, and RAC. The scientists' institution has differnet board in which aprove or reject differnet scientific ideas. The FDA or US Food and Drug Administration must aprove or deny the ides. There job will also be to regulate the gene therapy. The trials that are funded by NIH, or National Institues of Health, must be registered with the NIH Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC).

FDA is the government agentcy that can approve the Gene Therapy and in this article it talks about the good and the bad of the gene therapy for cancer treatment. The author says that is hasn't been aproved yet because when there is only a tumor the genes have promise of finding the cancer cells and infect them so they die but when the cancer has stread or when there are multiple tumors the thereputic genes cannot find the cancer or the patients ammune system reacts to the treatment. The FDA has to decide if it is worth aproving if it will only help people with one tumor.

The Genes are injected by the vector being injected or given intravenously (by IV) directly into a specific tissue in the body, where it is taken up by individual cells. Alternately, a sample of the patient’s cells can be removed and exposed to the vector in a laboratory setting.

In this article the author talks about the history of the gene therapy and how it got started. It talked about how 2 researchers more than a decade ago undertook a landwark of gene therapy studies.  It said that "Based on the animal experiments, the first lung cancer patient underwent gene therapy in early 1995, and in mid-1996, Roth and his group published a study describing the first reported successful replacement of a defective p53 tumor suppressor gene."

There are a few social and ethical issues surrounding human gene therapy. This article talks about the issues with this form of therapy. It says the first issue is that "Germ-line gene therapy would forever change the genetic makeup of an individual's descendants. Thus, the human gene pool would be permanently affected." and the NIH doesn't aprove of this. People also fear that this will become just a luzury to the rich and powerful. They also fear that widespread use of this will alter the "normal" which will exclude individuals who are actually "normal."

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