Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog #1

What are the big ideas that you are taking from internship into the next steps in your life?

I think the main idea I'm taking from internship is that it is better to try to finish early than to finish right before a deadline. I think this is most valuable in my life now because I have tons of deadline to meet in high school and of course I still want my free time so it will be better to get everything done early and have free time after. This way I'll have nothing to worry about.

What are your plans for the coming semester?

My only plans are to get all my work done, Do well in honors, Get an A again!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Internship Blog #7

5.  What advice would you pass on to future interns? What are the most important skills for a student to be successful at his/her internship? How could another student develop these skills prior to beginning internship? 
Important advice I would give is to have an open mind because most of the time you won't get the internship you really wanted but you'll get something close. It's important to keep an open mind and actually try to enjoy it because you never know, you might actually like it.
I think its important going into internship with some sort of technology skill because most people think HTH they must be good at computer stuff and you'll get stuck doing things on the computer. I also think it's important to have communication skills because you will need to be able to talk to your mentor and you will have to ask questions. Its important to not be nervous or to be able to get over the nervousness. :)
You can develop these skills by practicing with photoshop word and other computer things. You can develop your communication skills by starting up convos with your cashier or talk to people in line. It would also help if you talked to people who are older like out of college so you can get used to speaking with someone who might be at your internship.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Internship Blog #6

7. Do you have any regrets so far?  What would you do differently if you could start internship over?
My only regret with internship is that on the first day I confused myself into thinking that the last day of internship was the 21st not the 28th and I had made a schedule that was set up for three weeks instead of 4. The problem with this is that I thought I was leaving earlier then I am so I didn't that I would have anything to do for a whole week. I also was afraid that since I messed up the days my mentor would think of me as someone who didn't pay attention to detail and I didn't want her getting upset.

Luckily both of these problems had solutions. She found another project for me to do and she wasn't upset at all.

This doesn't seem like a big deal but I regret mixing up the days because if I had had a mentor who had nothing to do for me I could get fired or laid off since they didn't need me. So for now on I am going to make sure I have dates and times right so I don't make the same mistake.

Internship Blog #5

2. Post the highlights from your mentor interview and explain what makes these quotes meaningful to you.

The highlight of my mentor interview was the answer to my last question which was:

During my first semester we wrote stories about American icons and how they fit into a continuum. My continuum was about people who have important quotes that are meaningful to many people. One of my favorite quotes are "If you can dream it you can do it." Do you have any quotes that you try to live your life by or any quotes you use to help others live better lives.

Her answers consisted of 2 different quotes that I thought were very interesting.

She said something like this:

"I''m a big believer in 'If you can dream it you can do it' because when you're in school you have time to dream but when you are stuck in the day to day profession sometime you forget to dream. So dreaming is important because I believe people should never give up on their dreams."

Other quote she liked:

"If you fake it you become it." because if you act like you are having a good day even though it isn't going very well you can still change the outcome of your day by acting like your happy to become happy.

I thought that this part of the interview was very interesting because with the American icons paper I talked about this continuum and my mentor Jamie fits into it as well because she tries to live happier and has quotes that she believes in.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Internship Blog #4

2. What is the biggest challenge face at your internship?
The biggest challenged faced so far is when I had actually talk to other adults for help. I have gotten to know my mentor and she isn't as intimidating anymore but I am still getting used to talking to my other kinda mentor. Jamie wasn't here so I was forced to ask him more questions and it was intimidating at first but it has gotten easier. So far that's the only challenge I have had and it's being overcome with the more I ask others for help.
I'm starting to realize that it's like an open door and I can talk to anyone in the office they all seem like they are willing to help with anything I need, even just a break to talk. :)

Internship Blog #3

3. How do you see yourself growing or changing over the course of your internship?
When I started my internship I was terrified to ask questions, so I tried my hardest not to ask any. I didn't want to bug anyone and I felt that asking questions was the number one way to do so. When I was making the first poster I kept coming across problem where I didn't know what they wanted so I sucked it up and asked my mentor what to do. It didn't seem like she had any problem with me asking questions so I just started asking more and more. I believe this is an example of how I have already grown through my internship and it is also an example of how I will still grow.
There are many adults in the office I am in and it makes me nervous talking to any of them, besides my mentor, so I am trying to push myself to ask them questions while my mentor is gone instead of waiting for her to get back. I think that her being gone is helping me learn to communicate with the other adults and it is also helping me get other opinions on my work.
By asking questions to anyone that can help I am growing by learning to communicate with people, learning to leave my comfort zone, and it is strengthening my work.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Internship Blog #2

3. Describe the project you'll do at internship, including the skills and technology you need to do it and what you hope your project looks like as a final product.

For my project I will creating 5 posters that will be used for an event Coast Keeper will hold in February that is for kids in school to learn about water pollution and how things they do inland effect the ocean water. This posters will be used for years to come for this event and another organization to copy. I will be making these posters with either photoshop, indesign, or and I will be drawing and then scanning my art into the computer.
At the end of my internship when my project is complete I hope that everything looks professional and still is fun for the kids to look at. I really hope that it is something the organization will actually want to use and that Coast Keeper will appreciate my help.

Intership Blog #1

1. What are you excited about, nervous about and wondering about?

Before I got to my internship on the first day, January 5, 2011, I scared myself into thinking internship would be difficult and I wouldn't do well, or I wouldn't get along with my new "peers". I was extremely worried thing just wouldn't go well. Walking into the doors was terrifying and I almost didn't want to do it, but then I realized I was just scarring myself, I realized that I had already met my mentor Jamie, twice and it wasn't a big deal to go again and actually work. I had thought that me being there would be an inconvenience to her until I thought about it and remembered, I'm there to help them as long as I do my work and stay professional then I'll be fine and I just walked in.
I started off my day by just talking to Jamie about what we were going to do that day and I got super excited. She told me that I was going to be sitting in on a meeting with her and the Designer for Coast Keeper Miles, and I couldn't wait. I want to be a designer so getting to see one and hear what he has to deal with in the real world excited me. Jamie also told me that after the first meeting I was to go to lunch then come back to have another meeting and talk about my project for the end on the internship. This also excited me because I wasn't 100% sure what my project was going to be. The last thing Jamie said I was going to do for the day was set up my schedule for the whole internship. This made me a bit nervous because I wanted to make sure to give myself enough time to get my work done but I also didn't want to give myself too much time.
After everything I experienced on my first day I have become even more excited. The Meeting with Miles and Jamie was a great learning experience. I never realized how much work goes into the advertisement and the designing behind it. I learned that Coast Keeper pays their designer $1000 a year for one part of the designing they receive from him. I also learned that after the year is over they can submit the work they did and win awards. (Miles has one a lot) I also learned that even in the real world you have to continue to ask questions that's all Miles did because he has to hear what Coast Keeper wants and try to create it. This made me realize that designing things won't be as easy as I thought but it still seems really fun and I like the challenge. The whole meeting was interesting. It was a new way people talked to each other and I liked it. I liked that it was only the first day of internship and I was already learning. It made me excited to come back!
After the second meeting where I found out what my project was going to be. I got nervous about deadlines because it seemed like a lot of work. After I made my schedule I realized I would have enough time to finish and extra time in case something went wrong. This made me feel stupid for getting scared again and excited to begin working.