Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Intership Blog #1

1. What are you excited about, nervous about and wondering about?

Before I got to my internship on the first day, January 5, 2011, I scared myself into thinking internship would be difficult and I wouldn't do well, or I wouldn't get along with my new "peers". I was extremely worried thing just wouldn't go well. Walking into the doors was terrifying and I almost didn't want to do it, but then I realized I was just scarring myself, I realized that I had already met my mentor Jamie, twice and it wasn't a big deal to go again and actually work. I had thought that me being there would be an inconvenience to her until I thought about it and remembered, I'm there to help them as long as I do my work and stay professional then I'll be fine and I just walked in.
I started off my day by just talking to Jamie about what we were going to do that day and I got super excited. She told me that I was going to be sitting in on a meeting with her and the Designer for Coast Keeper Miles, and I couldn't wait. I want to be a designer so getting to see one and hear what he has to deal with in the real world excited me. Jamie also told me that after the first meeting I was to go to lunch then come back to have another meeting and talk about my project for the end on the internship. This also excited me because I wasn't 100% sure what my project was going to be. The last thing Jamie said I was going to do for the day was set up my schedule for the whole internship. This made me a bit nervous because I wanted to make sure to give myself enough time to get my work done but I also didn't want to give myself too much time.
After everything I experienced on my first day I have become even more excited. The Meeting with Miles and Jamie was a great learning experience. I never realized how much work goes into the advertisement and the designing behind it. I learned that Coast Keeper pays their designer $1000 a year for one part of the designing they receive from him. I also learned that after the year is over they can submit the work they did and win awards. (Miles has one a lot) I also learned that even in the real world you have to continue to ask questions that's all Miles did because he has to hear what Coast Keeper wants and try to create it. This made me realize that designing things won't be as easy as I thought but it still seems really fun and I like the challenge. The whole meeting was interesting. It was a new way people talked to each other and I liked it. I liked that it was only the first day of internship and I was already learning. It made me excited to come back!
After the second meeting where I found out what my project was going to be. I got nervous about deadlines because it seemed like a lot of work. After I made my schedule I realized I would have enough time to finish and extra time in case something went wrong. This made me feel stupid for getting scared again and excited to begin working.

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