Monday, January 10, 2011

Internship Blog #3

3. How do you see yourself growing or changing over the course of your internship?
When I started my internship I was terrified to ask questions, so I tried my hardest not to ask any. I didn't want to bug anyone and I felt that asking questions was the number one way to do so. When I was making the first poster I kept coming across problem where I didn't know what they wanted so I sucked it up and asked my mentor what to do. It didn't seem like she had any problem with me asking questions so I just started asking more and more. I believe this is an example of how I have already grown through my internship and it is also an example of how I will still grow.
There are many adults in the office I am in and it makes me nervous talking to any of them, besides my mentor, so I am trying to push myself to ask them questions while my mentor is gone instead of waiting for her to get back. I think that her being gone is helping me learn to communicate with the other adults and it is also helping me get other opinions on my work.
By asking questions to anyone that can help I am growing by learning to communicate with people, learning to leave my comfort zone, and it is strengthening my work.

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