Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Internship Blog #2

3. Describe the project you'll do at internship, including the skills and technology you need to do it and what you hope your project looks like as a final product.

For my project I will creating 5 posters that will be used for an event Coast Keeper will hold in February that is for kids in school to learn about water pollution and how things they do inland effect the ocean water. This posters will be used for years to come for this event and another organization to copy. I will be making these posters with either photoshop, indesign, or and I will be drawing and then scanning my art into the computer.
At the end of my internship when my project is complete I hope that everything looks professional and still is fun for the kids to look at. I really hope that it is something the organization will actually want to use and that Coast Keeper will appreciate my help.

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